 Zelta joins Pendo
 Zelta joins Pendo for more intelligent product experiences
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 Zelta joins Pendo
Unlocking Customer Needs: The Impact of Zelta on Our Product Strategy

20% increase in NPS scoring

due to better-aligned product features

10 minutes

time taken for Zelta's onboarding process

4 hours/week

saved for each PM on manual data analysis and insight aggregation

Company Overview

Data Security


Use Case
Product Research


"Using Zelta, we transformed our product development process, making it more efficient, customer-focused, and innovative. The tool's deep insights into client needs have been crucial in driving our success."

Amir Kessler
VP Product Management @ Kovrr

How Zelta Helps


In the competitive B2B SaaS market, our company needed a way to truly understand customer needs. We realized we weren't making the most of our customer interaction data. Decision-making was often driven by assumptions rather than real data, leading to misaligned priorities and missed opportunities. Zelta provided a solution that transformed our approach, making it more data-driven and customer-centric.

The Challenge:

Our company, like many startups, operated with a lean R&D team, necessitating precise and impactful decision-making for product development. The lack of detailed customer insights often led to prioritizing the wrong features, resulting in wasted resources and slower innovation. Understanding the true needs and priorities of our clients was essential but challenging to achieve with existing tools.

The Zelta Solution:

Zelta transformed our approach by giving us access to the voices of our clients. By integrating with platforms like Gong and Zoom, Zelta allowed us to quickly gather and analyze customer conversations. This helped us understand client priorities and even more importantly the relationships and priorities between their needs, and thus better understanding of the market.

Key Aspects:

  • Deep Customer Understanding: Zelta provided insights into what our clients truly cared about, revealing needs and priorities we hadn't considered.
  • Accurate Prioritization: We could better prioritize product development based on detailed customer insights.
  • Effortless Onboarding: Zelta's onboarding process was quick and straightforward, taking only about 10 minutes.
  • Effective and Reliable: Unlike other tools, Zelta consistently delivered accurate and actionable insights.


  • Enhanced Customer Focus: Our product features now better reflect what our clients actually want, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Development Process: We cut down on unnecessary features and focused on what's truly needed, speeding up our development cycles.
  • Stronger Market Position: Understanding and addressing customer needs more accurately helped us stand out in a crowded market.
  • Boosted Team Morale: The clarity provided by Zelta empowered our product teams, giving them confidence that their work aligns with customer needs.
  • Increased Revenue: By prioritizing features that our clients value, we've seen an uptick in customer retention and new sales.